The Best Reverse Osmosis Desalination: A Technological Marvel

In an era where freshwater scarcity poses a significant challenge to communities worldwide, innovative solutions are essential to ensure access to clean and safe drinking water. Reverse Osmosis (RO) desalination has emerged as a powerful technology to address this pressing issue.

This process utilizes semi-permeable membranes to remove impurities, contaminants, and salts from seawater or brackish water. This process ensures that the produced water meets strict quality standards, making it safe for consumption and various industrial uses. One of the key advantages of reverse osmosis desalination is its ability to achieve exceptional purity levels in the treated water. The process effectively removes dissolved solids, bacteria, and other harmful substances, resulting in water that is cleaner and safer than many traditional water sources.

Environmental Harmony: A Sustainable Approach


Compared to traditional water treatment methods, reverse osmosis desalination offers a more environmentally friendly solution. By minimizing the discharge of pollutants and reducing the need for chemical treatments, it helps protect fragile ecosystems and preserves water resources for future generations. Advances in reverse osmosis technology have led to increased energy efficiency in desalination plants. Energy recovery devices, such as pressure exchangers and turbines, capture and reuse energy from the brine stream, making the process more sustainable and cost-effective.

Reverse osmosis desalination is highly versatile and can be used to treat a wide range of water sources, including seawater, brackish water, and contaminated groundwater. This flexibility makes it an ideal solution for regions with diverse water supply challenges. Reverse osmosis desalination systems can be scaled up or down to meet specific water demand requirements. Whether for small-scale residential applications or large industrial operations, the modular design of these systems allows for efficient customization and expansion as needed.

Long-Term Cost Savings

While the initial investment in reverse osmosis desalination infrastructure may be higher than traditional water treatment methods, the long-term cost savings can be substantial. Reduced maintenance costs, lower energy consumption, and fewer chemical treatments contribute to overall cost-effectiveness. The value of water security cannot be overstated, especially in regions prone to droughts and water scarcity. The process provides a reliable and independent source of fresh water, reducing dependence on vulnerable or unreliable water sources and ensuring continuous access to clean water.
Reverse osmosis desalination effectively removes a wide range of contaminants from water, including heavy metals, pathogens, and chemicals. This purification process helps protect public health by ensuring that the water is safe for drinking and other domestic uses. By producing water with low levels of dissolved solids and contaminants, reverse osmosis desalination improves the overall quality and taste of the treated water. This makes it more appealing and palatable for consumption, encouraging hydration and promoting public health.
Versatility in Addressing Water Challenges
(RO) desalination provides a consistent and reliable source of fresh water, even in the face of fluctuating water availability or extreme weather events. This resilience is crucial for ensuring water security and continuity of operations in various sectors. In emergency situations such as natural disasters or water infrastructure failures, reverse osmosis desalination systems play a vital role in providing immediate access to safe drinking water. Their portability and efficiency make them invaluable assets for emergency response and disaster relief efforts.

Reverse osmosis desalination processes are designed to meet stringent regulatory standards for water quality and safety. By consistently producing water that meets or exceeds these standards, desalination plants ensure compliance with local, national, and international regulations. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include targets related to access to clean water and sanitation. Reverse osmosis desalination contributes to achieving these goals by providing a sustainable and equitable solution for freshwater supply, especially in water-stressed regions.

In Summary

Access to clean water is a fundamental human right, yet millions of people around the world lack access to safe drinking water. Reverse osmosis desalination helps bridge this gap by providing communities with a reliable and equitable source of freshwater, promoting social equity and inclusivity. The projects create economic opportunities through job creation, infrastructure development, and local industry support. These projects stimulate economic growth and prosperity in communities while addressing critical water supply needs.


The Best Desalination Machine 

Water scarcity is a global challenge, and as populations grow, finding sustainable solutions becomes increasingly vital. Desalination, the process of converting seawater into freshwater, has emerged as a promising technology. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the benefits of a desalination machine, exploring how this innovative technology addresses water scarcity and provides a reliable source of fresh water for communities around the world.

The primary benefit of a desalination machine is its ability to tap into an essentially limitless supply of seawater. With approximately 97% of Earth’s water residing in oceans, desalination unlocks the potential to convert seawater into freshwater, mitigating water scarcity in regions facing acute shortages.

Desalination provides a crucial strategy for diversifying water sources. In arid or water-stressed regions, dependence on traditional freshwater sources like rivers and aquifers may not be sustainable. A desalination machine offers a reliable alternative, reducing reliance on finite freshwater reservoirs.

Desalination machines contribute to the stability of water supply by being resilient to climate variability. Unlike traditional water sources that may be susceptible to droughts or changes in precipitation patterns, desalination offers a consistent and independent supply unaffected by weather fluctuations. The ability to operate year-round ensures water security for communities. Desalination machines provide a dependable source of freshwater regardless of seasonal variations, helping communities overcome the challenges posed by unreliable rainfall patterns.


Alleviating Pressure on Freshwater Ecosystems

 Utilizing desalination helps alleviate pressure on freshwater ecosystems. With growing demands for water, ecosystems such as rivers and lakes often face over-extraction. Desalination offers a sustainable solution by tapping into the vast and underutilized seawater reserves. In coastal areas, over-extraction of freshwater from aquifers can lead to saltwater intrusion, compromising the quality of available freshwater. Desalination machines mitigate this issue by directly sourcing seawater, preventing further degradation of coastal aquifers.

The establishment and operation of desalination plants create employment opportunities, contributing to local economic growth. These projects often involve skilled and unskilled labor, stimulating economic activities in the surrounding communities. Desalination machines empower communities by providing a self-reliant source of freshwater. Instead of relying on external sources for water supply, communities gain control over their water security, fostering resilience in the face of changing environmental conditions.

Technological advancements in desalination have led to increased energy efficiency. Modern desalination machines employ innovative techniques, such as reverse osmosis and forward osmosis, optimizing energy consumption and making the process more sustainable. Ongoing research and development in desalination technologies have resulted in cost reductions. As the efficiency of desalination machines improves and the costs associated with infrastructure and energy consumption decrease, desalination becomes a more economically viable solution. Addressing the environmental impact of brine discharge is a priority. Ongoing research focuses on developing efficient brine management solutions, including dilution techniques, beneficial reuse, and eco-friendly disposal methods, ensuring minimal disruption to marine ecosystems.

A significant stride in enhancing the environmental sustainability of desalination involves integrating renewable energy sources. As technology advances, desalination plants can increasingly harness solar and wind power, minimizing reliance on conventional energy grids and reducing carbon footprints. 

Empowering Communities for Water Security

 Desalination machines play a crucial role in emergency response and humanitarian aid efforts. In the aftermath of natural disasters or regions facing acute water shortages, portable desalination units can provide immediate relief by producing freshwater from nearby seawater sources.

Additionally, desalination contributes to community health by providing a consistent source of safe and clean drinking water. In regions prone to waterborne diseases due to contamination of traditional water sources, desalination acts as a preventive measure, safeguarding public health

Furthermore, the benefits of desalination extend to fostering international collaboration. Countries with advanced desalination capabilities can share expertise and technology with regions facing water scarcity, contributing to global efforts to address this pressing issue.
However, while desalination offers numerous benefits, it is not without challenges. Environmental considerations include the disposal of brine, the byproduct of desalination, which requires proper management to minimize its impact on marine ecosystems.
The initial costs of establishing desalination plants can be substantial. Conducting thorough cost-benefit analyses is essential to assess the long-term sustainability and economic feasibility of desalination projects.

Public awareness and education are crucial components of successful desalination projects. Involving local communities in decision-making processes, addressing concerns, and providing education on the benefits and challenges of desalination build support for sustainable water solutions. Additionally, desalination should be complemented by advocacy for responsible water use. Encouraging water conservation practices and promoting sustainable agricultural and industrial water management contribute to overall water resilience.

The future of desalination holds exciting prospects with ongoing technological innovations. Researchers are exploring novel materials, improved desalination processes, and alternative energy sources to make desalination even more efficient and sustainable. Integrating desalination with renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is a promising avenue for reducing the environmental footprint of desalination machines. This synergy aligns with global efforts to transition towards cleaner and sustainable energy solutions.


The Best Desalination Machine: Summary

In conclusion, the benefits of a desalination machine extend far beyond providing freshwater; they offer a pathway to resilience, sustainability, and global collaboration in addressing water scarcity. As technology continues to evolve, and communities become increasingly aware of the importance of water management, desalination stands as a beacon of hope in navigating the waters of possibility for a more water-secure future. With careful planning, responsible implementation, and ongoing advancements, desalination machines are poised to play a pivotal role in ensuring access to clean and reliable water for generations to come.


The Best Reverse Osmosis Desalination Machines

In a world grappling with water scarcity, reverse osmosis desalination has emerged as a game-changer. Moreover, Advancees, a leading force in water treatment solutions, spearheads the charge with cutting-edge technology.

The Essence of Reverse Osmosis Desalination

Water scarcity is a pressing global challenge, and reverse osmosis desalination stands as a beacon of hope. This process involves pushing seawater through a semi-permeable membrane, removing impurities and salt to produce clean, potable water. In addressing water scarcity, Advancees, with its focus on sustainable solutions, employs reverse osmosis.

The sea, covering about 71% of the Earth’s surface, holds an immense untapped resource. Reverse osmosis allows for the extraction of freshwater from seawater, making it a crucial technology for regions with limited access to traditional freshwater sources. Advancees’ commitment to harnessing this abundant resource sets the stage for a more water-secure future.

At the heart of reverse osmosis desalination is the semi-permeable membrane. This vital component allows water molecules to pass through while blocking salts and impurities, resulting in freshwater on the other side. Advancees’ focus on membrane technology showcases their dedication to efficiency and reliability.

Understanding the importance of energy efficiency in desalination, Advancees emphasizes that reverse osmosis traditionally requires less energy compared to other desalination methods, making it a more sustainable choice. This alignment with global efforts to reduce the carbon footprint associated with water treatment is crucial.

Explore Advancees’ innovative lineup of desalination systems. From compact residential units to industrial-scale solutions, their product range caters to diverse needs. Emphasizing customization ensures that each system meets specific water quality requirements.

In the world of water treatment, one size does not fit all. Advancees collaborates with clients to design and implement customized reverse osmosis solutions. This tailored approach ensures optimal performance, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to adapt to unique water treatment challenges.

Conclusion: A Fresh Perspective on Water Security

In conclusion, Advancees has pushed for reverse osmosis desalination, which represents a paradigm shift in water security. By unlocking the potential of seawater, these systems offer a lifeline in the face of water scarcity. With a commitment to innovation, sustainability, and community education, Advancees is not just providing water treatment solutions; they are shaping a future where access to fresh water is a universal right. Embrace the future of water security with Advancees’ reverse osmosis desalination systems.

The Best Desalination Machine

Water scarcity is a global challenge, and innovative solutions are essential to ensuring a sustainable future. Desalination machines have emerged as a powerful tool in addressing this issue, transforming seawater into freshwater for various applications. solutions.

The Desalination Revolution

Desalination machines play a pivotal role in addressing water scarcity, particularly in regions where freshwater resources are limited. By harnessing the abundant resource of seawater, these machines provide a sustainable and reliable source of freshwater. Desalination has applications across various sectors, from municipal water supplies to industrial processes and agriculture. The versatility of desalination machines positions them as a key technology for ensuring water security in a wide range of contexts.

Advancees specializes in desalination technology, with a focus on reverse osmosis. This process involves using a semi-permeable membrane to remove salt and impurities from seawater, leaving behind clean and potable freshwater. The efficiency of this method is a hallmark of Advancees’ commitment to cutting-edge solutions.

Advancees emphasizes energy-efficient desalination systems. This commitment not only aligns with sustainability goals but also makes desalination more accessible by minimizing energy consumption and operational costs.

As the demand for freshwater continues to rise, the desalination industry is witnessing continuous technological advancements. Advances in membrane technology, materials science, and process optimization are poised to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of desalination machines. Stay informed about these innovations on the Advancees platform.

A key focus for the future of desalination is the integration of renewable energy sources. By incorporating solar, wind, or other sustainable energy options, desalination processes can become even more environmentally friendly. Advancees is at the forefront of exploring and implementing these eco-conscious solutions.

Advancees is not just a provider of desalination solutions; they are actively engaged in community outreach programs. These initiatives aim to educate local communities about the benefits of desalination, dispelling myths and fostering an understanding of the role these machines play in securing a sustainable water future.

Advances: Pioneers in Desalination Solutions

Explore Advancees’ range of innovative desalination machines designed to meet diverse needs. From compact residential systems to large-scale industrial solutions, their product catalog reflects a dedication to providing scalable and efficient desalination options. Advancees understands that each water treatment scenario is unique. Their team of experts collaborates with clients to design and implement customized desalination solutions tailored to specific water quality requirements, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.

Advancees’ commitment to sustainability extends beyond providing fresh water. By utilizing desalination technology, they contribute to reducing the environmental impact associated with over-extraction of freshwater from natural sources, protecting ecosystems, and promoting ecological balance. The advanced desalination systems offered by Advancees are designed to minimize waste. Efforts to optimize water recovery rates and responsibly manage brine discharge showcase a dedication to environmental stewardship.

Explore case studies highlighting successful desalination projects in municipal settings. These stories showcase how our Advancees’ technology have contributed to ensuring a reliable and sustainable water supply for communities around the world.

Delve into success stories in industrial desalination, where Advancees’ solutions have been integral in supporting manufacturing processes, cooling systems, and other water-intensive applications.


In conclusion, desalination machines represent a pivotal technology in securing a sustainable future for water resources. We at Advancees, with our focus on innovation, sustainability, and customized solutions, stand as a leader in the field of desalination technology. Whether you are a municipality seeking reliable water supply solutions or an industrial entity aiming to optimize water usage, Advancees’ expertise and cutting-edge desalination machines offer a pathway to a more water-secure and sustainable world.

Compared to other types of feedwater, seawater has unique properties that present challenges that traditional water treatment systems struggle with. Industrial reverse osmosis systems built especially for seawater desalination take into consideration (1) the high TDS levels of seawater, (2) the fouling and scaling issues that can arise within the machinery due to high levels of impurities, and (3) the potential for corrosion. This guide delves into the best practices for implementing your commercial RO system and maintaining its efficiency and longevity.

Know Your Feedwater

To effectively treat high salinity and a diverse range of impurities, it is critical to learn about the properties of your feedwater before designing and operating an effective water treatment system. Understanding the source of seawater and its chemical, physical, and biological composition is the first step in designing an effective treatment system. These characteristics help engineers develop a comprehensive system for your specific challenges, like selecting appropriate membrane materials, adjusting pressure levels, and implementing targeted pre-treatment strategies.  

Pre-treatment for Seawater

Due to its heavy concentration of impurities, seawater requires thorough pre-treatment to eliminate suspended solids, organic matter, and potential foulants. Pre-filtration, ultrafiltration, or multimedia filtration systems are commonly employed to protect RO membranes from fouling. Proper pre-treatment increases the performance and reliability of your reverse osmosis system.


Check out this page to learn more about pre-treatment.

Corrosion-Resistant Materials

The levels of salt in seawater make it very corrosive to certain materials. Selecting high-quality, corrostion-resistant materials for industrial RO systems is paramount. Stainless steel and other corrosion-resistant alloys are preferred choices to enhance system longevity and reliability.

Antiscalant and Antifoulant Chemicals

Antiscalant and antifoulant chemicals are critical in preventing scale formation and membrane fouling. These chemicals inhibit the precipitation of minerals and impurities, preserving membrane efficiency. Antiscalant prevents the crystallization and deposition of minerals, such as calcium carbonate, that impede water flow through the membranes and compromise the membranes’ ability to remove salts selectively. Fouling occurs when organic or inorganic particles accumulate on the surface of the RO membranes, hampering the membranes’ permeability. Antifoulant chemicals act as a protective shield, deterring the adherence of foulants to the membrane surface.

Regular Maintenance

Seawater desalination is a complex process that can stress the machinery involved, especially the delicate membranes essential for the reverse osmosis system. Routine maintenance is key to the longevity of seawater desalination systems. This includes regular cleaning of membranes, monitoring system performance, and promptly addressing any issues to prevent downtime and costly repairs.


Check out this blog to learn about maintenance for industrial RO systems.

Visit this page to learn more about our RO Plant Service and Maintenance options.

Brine Disposal

Proper disposal of brine concentrate, a byproduct of desalination, is crucial. Environmentally responsible disposal methods must be implemented to minimize the impact on marine ecosystems.


In conclusion, seawater desalination through industrial reverse osmosis demands meticulous planning, comprehensive design, and adherence to best practices. A proactive approach ensures that the system is effective in addressing high salinity and optimized to handle the diverse range of impurities inherent in seawater. 

Our Industrial Reverse Osmosis Systems for Seawater Desalination

With Advanced Equipment and Services’s specialized industrial reverse osmosis systems, we aim to provide sustainable solutions that address the challenges posed by seawater desalination across diverse applications. We have designed systems for various needs, contributing to a reliable and efficient water supply for you. Contact us today!


SSWRO Series MSWRO Series LSWRO Series ARKQUA Series

Mobile Water Treatment Rental Equipment- Containerized Reverse Osmosis Systems


Mobile Water Treatment Rental Equipment

Containerized reverse osmosis mobile water treatment rental equipment has improved operations for a host of businesses and municipalities across the country and around the world. Their value is considerable and, in many cases, they have simply made the impossible a reality.


 In the past, the location of an organization’s operations was often determined by proximity to water treatment facilities. The service was available from a fixed plant complete with heavy machinery. Businesses had to choose where they operated based on accessibility to this service.  Additionally, their operations were limited to the volume of clean, fresh water they could access.  Success and expansion in the business world were impacted by this. Municipalities’ abilities to manage their growth and handle emergencies were also dependent upon access to treated, usable water.  


For those who may be unaware, much of the water on the planet is simply unusable in its natural form. In fact, while most of the planet is covered in water, the majority of it is sea water which has a high salt concentration. Other water may be filled with impurities and is also unsuitable for manufacturing use, business operations, and personal consumption in its natural form. Reverse osmosis is a filtering process that removes impurities, including germs, chemicals, and bacteria. The result is fresh and clean water that is useful for a wide range of municipal and business needs.


At Advanced Equipment and Services, we understand and appreciate the challenges organizations face about clean water. Our reverse osmosis systems have long been recognized for the value they bring and the quality they provide.  That said, we continuously improve our products to meet our client’s future needs, improving their operations, and expanding their capabilities. 


Introducing our containerized, reverse osmosis water treatment trailers has revolutionized possibilities for those with whom we work. These trailers carry our systems to the site where they are needed. They are basically a traveling water treatment facility because they hold all of the necessary equipment. This allows our clients to operate in the location of their choice, expand as they see fit, and even manage emergency situations.


Because they can be made available on short notice, they are incredibly valuable. If we have learned one thing in our years of operation, it is to expect the unexpected. Even when everything seems to be in order – emergencies occur. Our trailers help mitigate problems – saving time and money and maintaining the health and well-being of the public. Contact us for further information on how to rent our RO mobile water treatment systems now. 


Lease Mobile Water Treatment Systems - Containerized Reverse Osmosis Systems


Containerized Seawater Solutions Benefit Municipalities and Small Towns

Mobile water treatment systems are becoming more and more valuable in today’s world. Unfortunately, water treatment facilities are not always easily accessible for all businesses, and sometimes they simply cannot handle the increasing volume they face; as industries across the country and around the world continue to grow, so does the need for clean and fresh water.
Because not everyone has access to this type of water, water treatment has become a necessity Plants that do these tend to remove impurities and provide usable water. 
Lease mobile water treatment systems that leverage containerized reverse osmosis have become increasingly popular and very useful. These vehicles are created to carry all of the equipment necessary (including purifiers, filters, and chemicals) to purify water. It makes sense that they are in great demand in areas without access to more permanent facilities. 
Lease mobile water reverse osmosis treatment solutions let you keep your system running during maintenance of your plant during peak demand, start-up, commissioning, or simply while a new system capacity is established. Different sizes of emergency response units are available for rapid deployment to meet immediate needs caused by emergency situations.

Their mobility factor is key; they can become accessible on short notice. Let’s face it, business is unpredictable. Systems break, production needs rapidly increase and natural disasters occur. These systems are perfect for temporary use and help organizations around the world mitigate what could otherwise become catastrophic
Lease mobile systems that leverage reverse osmosis technology work similarly to the process in more permanent facilities. Reverse osmosis filters remove virtually everything (including chemicals, germs, and bacteria), and the water that comes from them is extremely pure. They transform the original water, making it usable for a broad range of business and community functions.
Whether you are managing a natural disaster that impacts water quality, dealing with malfunctioning equipment in your plant, or addressing changes in production requiring an increased need for water filtration, mobile containerized reverse osmosis systems can help. Advanced Equipment and Services, our rental mobile water treatment equipment are ready-to-go and come in the form of containerized reverse osmosis systems that are designed to bring value to a host of industries and municipalities. 
Because they are easy to move and operational upon delivery, there is no downtime to your operations. And, in cases of emergencies, they are able to make a difference immediately. This new technology has led to revolutionary equipment that has already proven to be valuable beyond words. Our mobile lease reverse osmosis equipment is among the industry’s best and is ready to go to work for you.

Containerized Seawater Solutions Benefit Municipalities and Small Towns

Containerized Seawater Solution

Containerized Seawater Solutions Benefit Municipalities and Small Towns

Without access to clean water, life is impossible. Of course, businesses cannot operate, plants cannot grow, and people cannot drink. While it seems as if this natural resource is plentiful and availability should never be an issue, the opposite is, in fact, true. Containerized seawater solutions can help. 
In fact, access to clean and clear water is a concern for many small towns and municipalities, including those on islands, and many areas which are impoverished, both in the United States and around the world. Quite simply, many of these locations just don’t have readily available safe water sources.
Without a doubt, access to water is dependent upon location, and not all communities are located near a reliable water source. And, even those that seem to be in close proximity to an abundance of water (many of the islands) face the issue that untreated seawater is not safe for most personal or commercial uses.

Containerized Seawater Solutions

Thus, providing safe water to those who live and work in these areas is particularly challenging. Of course, governments need to help all of their citizens, commercial and individual. However, on their own they simply don’t have the knowledge or the resources to affect a reasonable solution.
Thankfully, advancements in technology provide an answer to this critical problem. One viable solution is containerized seawater solutions that rely on desalination. This is the process of removing the salt from seawater, making water that was once unusable, suitable for use in industry, homes, agriculture, and even drinking.
Of course, at Advanced Equipment and Services, we recognized this problem and developed a flexible and workable solution. Our ARKQUA™ systems are a ready-to-go containerized desalination solution. Our design provides all you need in a single container, allowing towns and remote areas to maximize space.
Upon delivery, they are operational, providing the necessary water quickly. Finally, these systems are modular, meaning they can grow with your needs. In a world where people are constantly relocating and industry is growing, shifts in population are common. More people means more business and a need for more water – this system can accommodate these changes easily.
Of course, our team is proud of the technology and products we have developed, and are excited about the value they can bring to areas of the world that so desperately need it. We look forward to sharing more of the benefits of our ARKQUA™ systems including how they can help you better serve your citizens.

Containerized RO Systems Bring Value to Your Organization

Containerized RO Systems

Containerized RO Systems Bring Value to Your Organization

Water is an incredibly valuable commodity. It plays an integral role in the operations of many organizations.  In fact, most manufacturers would be unable to produce their products without it.  Because so many business plants and facilities are not located near the freshwater they need, desalination (removing the salt from seawater) has become a more widely used process in many cases. Therefore, this innovative mechanism has made what once seemed impossible very, very possible. 

That said, initially, desalination needed to take place near a body of water, it was simply the most efficient and effective way to facilitate the process.  Unfortunately, not all businesses are located in close proximity to a source; yet their need for desalinated water is high. Of course, the ability to decentralize this treatment of water is a much-needed response to a prevalent problem in a host of industries today. 

Containerized RO Systems For Businesses

Containerized RO Systems are the key to making the decentralization of desalinated water a viable and valuable answer to the issues faced by many businesses. Among its greatest advantages are the fact that these systems are portable and scalable; they can be created based on the needs of an individual organization and even relocated when and if necessary.  Additionally, the fact that the processing, including ​​RO, CIP flushing, and MMF, is included within the single container allows companies to leverage their space.

Other benefits include the fact that these containers can be deployed quickly – there is a reduced lead time so your operations are not disrupted if a sudden need arises.  And, they are modular, fully automated, and cost-effective – helping you improve your operations. Needless to say, the value of these systems is considerable; they positively impact the timing of the work being done as well as the bottom line costs. Of course, profitability is impacted by leveraging them.

ARKQUA™ – Containerized RO Systems

Advanced Equipment and Services’ newest product, ARKQUA™, is truly the latest and greatest with regard to Containerized RO Systems. Of course, businesses around the world have already begun to use it and feedback on its effectiveness has been overwhelmingly positive. 

In addition to providing the highest quality Containerized RO Systems, our firm is fully committed to outstanding client service. As such, in-depth testing is mandated prior to shipping, and remote monitoring is always included. Of course, we are committed to providing our clients with the products they need to operate in challenging times; as such we continually invest in development so we are able to meet their changing needs.


Understanding Seawater Reverse Osmosis - Advancees Equipment & Services

Understanding Seawater Reverse Osmosis

Understanding Seawater Reverse Osmosis

With so much of the earth’s surface covered in water, how is it even possible that so many people and businesses around the world do not have access to the water they need?  Of course, the answer is more simple than one may think. The vast majority of the water on the earth (over 95%) is found in oceans or seas. Therefore, only a very small percentage of water is freshwater.  Because of the high salt content, the majority of the available water is simply not useful in its natural form. 

The good news is that significant advancements in science and technology have been made that allow us to leverage the water of the oceans. Thus, Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) is a process that desalinates water containing a high concentration of salt. 

Because the increasing demand for fresh water is quickly decreasing the supply, this process is incredibly valuable.

Water from the ocean has a high salt content and also includes a host of chemical elements and dissolved solids including, but not limited to, potassium, limestone, and even sand. As a result, these components, in combination with the salt, make the water unfit for human consumption. Relying on it for hydration would be dangerous.

Easy Access to Oceans and Seas – Reverse Osmosis

Of course, this is incredibly unfortunate, as many of the areas of the world facing the largest water shortages have easy access to oceans and seas. Of course, by using reverse osmosis, the amount of salt in the water can be reduced to levels where it is safe to consume. 

That said, because of the high salt content and other contaminants, using reverse osmosis can be difficult. Thankfully, this is a challenge that has been met. Initially developed in the 1970s, seawater reverse osmosis systems have been used. While the process requires specialized systems and materials,  including high-pressure pumps, semi-permeable membranes, and pressure control valves, it is extremely cost-effective, efficient, and valuable. 

Use Natural Resources

Countries around the world, including Israel and many in Africa, use this system to provide clean drinking water to those who otherwise would not have access. Of course, advances like this help us all. As a result, we are able to use energy effectively and take advantage of the natural resources to which we have the most access.
